Very nice sounds man. Great atmosphere and it really has emotion as well. great.
Very nice sounds man. Great atmosphere and it really has emotion as well. great.
Makes me think of Modernised ATB in atmosphere and air. Good work.
You totally could have done a lot more with this. Its good but it could easily be even better.
I prefer to use a simple style when it comes to loops shorter than 30 seconds, understandable.
Nice work. Reminds me of CornAndBeans and nightcore. could use more in the background/filler to complete the sound.
Very good work, man. Essentially professional. Good everything.
Extremely nice work. 6/5. Only request is maybe not soo much high note as its a little bit screechy.
Good but a little fast paced for no clear reason :\
Very interesting sounds and atmosphere. i like it. very fair. ending is very good too.
As a superfan of Sven Goes To The Love Parade, this was alright. No real flaws anywhere other than a small lack of modesty with the timing of the instruments, but other than that it was fun and decently enacted. Good work. Its a legitimate retro game worthy song.
-Could use more accentuation with instruments rather than flat standard notes. Including the background atmosphere, you were short about 2 smaller instruments the whole time.
+The transition was almost A+ in style.
Overall, kind of sounded like a tetris vibe.
Probably the MOST banging. hard house, loop demanding, song EVAR!!! phucking love this.
I love computers and games and the like... Im also head deep in electronic music. My favorites, generally speaking, right now are Sven Wittekind and Balam Acab. Otherwise add Noize Suppressor and let to simmer.
Age 31, Male
Joined on 12/25/09